Organising an event of any kind with foreign participants takes time and money. But its success will depend to a large extent on the quality of the interpreters. It is they who have to pass on all the content to the participants, facilitating communication and understanding amongst everyone present.

The kind of event will determine what type of interpreting is most suitable.
Simultaneous interpreting: The interpreter translates the original speech in real time. This is the most fluid, dynamic type of interpreting and is appropriate for most events. It requires proper installations – booth, headphones, PA system, etc.


Simultaneous interpreting using portable equipment (“Infoport”): This is the most suitable type of interpreting for guided tours (factories, inspections, cultural visits, etc.) and/or meetings with a small number of participants. The interpreter is close to the speaker and translates into a microphone to the participants who listen through headphones.


Whispering (chuchotage): In this type of simultaneous interpreting, the interpreter whispers the message to the listener, in real time and without any technical equipment.


Consecutive interpreting: The interpreter translates the original message after the speaker has spoken. If the speech is very long, the speaker will stop occasionally to allow the interpreter to translate. In order to guarantee a faithful rendering, the interpreter takes notes during the speech. Consecutive interpreting is especially suitable for bilateral meetings, banquets, press conferences, media interviews, etc.

Interpreters work with a very high level of concentration so they need to rest every 30 minutes in order to restore their initial level of concentration. This is why interpretation teams comprise two interpreters per language who take turns every half an hour. This is the only way of guaranteeing good-qualityinterpreting throughout the event.

Interpreters need more than just thorough knowledge of their working languages. They must be able to use all the techniques involved in each type of interpreting and have a broad general culture, as well as specialist knowledge in a variety of areas. AICE interpreters have all been through a very strict selection process so they offer maximum quality, professionalism and professional ethics. To work as an interpreter, special training is required. It is not sufficient to speak a foreign language. There are a number of universities in Europe offering degrees or masters in interpretation.

This is one of the most frequent questions people ask. Bearing in mind the added value and the guaranteed quality offered by professional interpreters, they cannot be considered expensive. The success of many events depends to a large extent on the quality of the interpreters. Poor-quality interpreting may ruin all the efforts made to organise an event. And the work of AICE interpreters is not limited to the actual interpreting but also includes free advisory services. This means that all organisers can be sure they have chosen the best type of interpreting and the best interpreters for their events.

For optimum results, there must be good collaboration between the organisers and the interpreters. Preparation is a key part of the interpreters’ work. And to allow interpreters to prepare well, the organiser must provide them in advance with as much information as possible. Obviously, such information will be treated in confidence.

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