One-way and two-way booths

Simultaneous interpreting in a booth may be ‘one-way’ or ‘two-way’.

One-way booth


In a one-way booth, the interpreters work only in their active language.  That is, they translate from one or more An active language is a language into which the interpreter works. Perfect mastery of the language is therefore necessary, not only from the point of view of comprehension but also expression, because interpreters must be able to render all the nuances of the original while using varied vocabulary and speaking fluently, correctly and precisely.”>active language.


For example, if there are three working languages at a Congress (Spanish, Italian and French), there will be three booths, one for each language.

Two-way booth


In a two-way booth, the interpreters work from and into their active languages.


If, as in the above case, the working languages are Spanish, Italian and French, only two booths will be needed, one for interpreting into French and Spanish, and the other for interpreting into Italian and Spanish.


The two-way system


• Guarantees a magnificent quality of interpreting, because the professionals are fully identified with the subject matter of the congress and do not miss anything.


• The two-way system costs less because the same service is offered by less interpreters.


• Requires thorough knowledge of the working languages by the interpreter, both comprehension and expression.

The two-way system


• Guarantees a magnificent quality of interpreting, because the professionals are fully identified with the subject matter of the congress and do not miss anything.


• The two-way system costs less because the same service is offered by less interpreters.


• Requires thorough knowledge of the working languages by the interpreter, both comprehension and expression.


Find the kind that best suits your event


Consult your consultant interpreter on which system best suits your event.

AICE interpreters are distinguished
by their ability to interpret
into two languages, which
allows them to work
in both one-way and
two-way booths

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